Bearded Reedlings Nov 29 2023

This is a good time of year to head over to the Tay reed beds to try and get some shots of one of my favourite wee birds, the bearded reedling, also known as the bearded tit.
The theory is that during the summer they grub about on the ground, but when the cold weather comes and the ground gets hard, they take to the tops of the reeds to feed on the seed heads making it easier to photograph them.
Following an abandoned disastrous attempted trip last week involving a completely incorrect weather forecast and a set of horrendous roadworks on the motorway, things were shaping up nicely this time.
It was freezing cold and bright,  so there was plenty of light which is not something you can often say in the Scottish winter.
Parked the car in Errol and headed down to the reed beds.  On the way we got some bonus shots of a fieldfare which was feeding on fallen apples.
At the reed beds we chose a spot and waited to hear that unmistakeable sound that the reedlings make as they sweep in.
And we waited….
Of course we got a few shots of reed buntings, they are never in short supply there, but still no reedlings.
By now, the early morning sunshine had disappeared, and the sky was clouding over with black clouds.
Finally some reedlings appeared, but were just as quickly gone – we barely managed a shot.
By midday, the light was going, and it was starting to snow!
At last more reedlings turned up, and stayed to feed for a while in front of us.  We managed to get quite a lot of shots before they headed off.  And with the light fading and the snow falling, we headed off too.
See also the main bearded reedling photo gallery.

More info HERE

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