Finally - Some Short Eared Owls

There have been a couple of reports of short eared owls locally at Musselburgh this year, but I haven’t seen any.  However, a safer bet is always Aberlady Nature Reserve, but again, I’d been down there a few times with no luck.

However, what reports there had been, all seemed to be late afternoon, so I headed off, not getting there until 2pm – on an already dull, damp November afternoon – not ideal for photography!

I was rewarded just as I crossed the bridge with a shot of a female reedbunting and then a kestrel – so at least I had managed to see something.

However, on the way along the path, I met someone who told me he had been watching barn owls in the field -Eh, probably shorties, but I didn’t correct him, I just quickened my step!

Sure enough as I reached the field with the electric fence, an owl flew across my path and off over the golf course.  Then I spotted another – and another!  Three in the air at the same time.  

Unfortunately it is a huge area, so the chances of one coming close are not great.  However, despite the distances and the rapidly fading light, I managed a few shots.  Not the best, but given the conditions I was just pleased to have some keepers.
More short eared owl photos HERE

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